Three Little Pigs is a fairy tale featuring anthropomorphic animals. Printed versions date back to the 1840s, but the story itself is thought to be much older. The phrases used in the story, and the various morals which can be drawn from it, have become enshrined in western culture.
Inside this book:
- The story of three little pigs
- The little red hen
- The babes in the wood
The book includes illustrations and and is formatted with an active table of contents for easy navigation.
The Fun Stories and Perfect Bedtime Book for childrens with beautiful illustrations ,navigable Table of Contents and are fully formatted in the greatest ebook.
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Three Little Pigs is a fairy tale featuring anthropomorphic animals. Printed versions date back to the 1840s, but the story itself is thought to be much older. The phrases used in the story, and the various morals which can be drawn from it, have become enshrined in western culture.
Inside this book:
- The story of three little pigs
- The little red hen
- The babes in the wood
The book includes illustrations and and is formatted with an active table of contents for easy navigation.
The Fun Stories and Perfect Bedtime Book for childrens with beautiful illustrations ,navigable Table of Contents and are fully formatted in the greatest ebook.
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Browse our collections by typing in Childhood Publishing
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