Friday 6 April 2012

Geography Workbook: Content Reading: Geography, Level D - 4th Grade

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Geography Workbook: Content Reading: Geography, Level D - 4th Grade

Content Reading: Geography helps students improve their comprehension skills as they read lively nonfiction articles. The level D book covers important curriculum-related issues and concepts for grade 4 students. The following comprehension skills are tested in every lesson: recalling an important fact or detail from the passage, recognizing the main idea of a single paragraph or entire article, making an inference or forming a conclusion based on the materials, identifying sequence, defining vocabulary in context, and distinguishing between fact or opinion or recognizing cause and effect.

Continental Press has expanded its product offerings to support students in key curriculum areas and at many levels of learning. We offer exceptional materials for students, parents, teachers, and administrators at fair and affordable prices.

We publish programs in a variety of subject areas, including:

-Early Literacy
-Language Skills
-Reading Compr ehension
-Content Reading in Geography, Mathematics, Science, & Social Studies
-State Testing

Buy Now!
List Price: $ 9.45 Price: $ 9.45



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